training center
Accessible diversity training for everyone

To enable successful DE&I measures, raising awareness and offering targeted training is key. That’s why we created the Volunteer Vision Training Center.
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GIF illustrating our Training Center.

What is the training center?

The Volunteer Vision Training Center is a library of short training videos focusing on DE&I Skills and Mentor Skills. It is designed for employees who want to acquire basic skills on how to foster a diverse and inclusive work environment or want to prepare for an upcoming mentorship. The videos are available in English and with German subtitles.

why you should use the training center

It offers awareness and education on the most important topics in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion
It enables self-paced learning through our easily accessible platform and short training videos
It is a flexible and user-centered offer for the professional development of employees
It is easily scalable for a broad target group
It is the ideal tool to engage employees who had no access to workplace diversity, equity and inclusion measures yet

the training center content

DE&I Skills Training
Includes videos on topics such as
  • Microaggressions
  • Unconcious bias
  • Inclusive language
  • Intersectionality
  • Anti-racism
An older woman sitting in front of a laptop, taking notes.
A woman sitting in front of a laptop, talking to someone on a video call.
Mentor Skills Training
Includes videos on topics such as
  • Building & managing a mentoring relationship
  • Mentoring styles & skills
  • Benefits of mentoring

Engaging Content Formats
Using studies, infographics and expert interviews, the content is engaging and easy to understand. Short quizzes reinforce what has been learned.

Learn more

watch our product demo

Want to know more about what Online Mentoring can do for you and your company? Have a look at our product demo.

schedule a call

Want to know more about the Training Center? Simply schedule a short call with us.


Watch the demo video to get an insight into the key features of our mentoring platform.
Volunteer Vision logo.
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